February 11, 2017

Your Mom

"47 Now they never had fought yet they did not fear death; and they did think more upon the liberty of their fathers than they did upon their lives; yea, they had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them.
48 And they rehearsed unto me the words of the mothers, saying: We do not doubt our mothers knew it." Alma 56: 47-48

I was reading about the Stripling Warriors today and I learned 10039 things, one of them being that I most likely want to marry a Stripling Warrior.

I read an article that said that their ages ranged from about 13-20 years old... I can't even walk in the snow and they're just chillin over here beating up huge armies of strong men that are way older than them. It's fine.

The thing that I think is so cool is that one of the main reasons they were able to conquer these armies is because of the things they learned from their mothers. Their mothers taught them to be selfless, to serve, to have courage, faith, and trust. They taught their sons to be brave and never to fear because the Lord would deliver them. I imagine their mothers were so strong and kind. I imaging they taught their children by example and experiences. I know I'm not a mother yet, but when I am, I want to be like these women.

A really good example of someone who is like this is my GISELE! Aka my mom, therapist, best friend, and dance party/fake opera singing/eating all of the sugar in the house/everything partner. She teaches me by example. She is always trying to become better and learn from every experience she comes in contact with. She is service oriented and SO selfless. She knows who she is and doesn't compare herself to others. To top it all off she is the best baker I've ever met and she's slowly making me obese but I'm fine with it.

I'm so thankful for the good examples surrounding me and I'm thankful for the things I learn from the scriptures. I would suggest reading Alma 57 because it has officially changed my outlook on life. If the 15 year old Stripling Warriors can trust in the Lord, fight, and conquer their battles, we can do the same with the battles we face every day. I love the Lord and I love the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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