September 28, 2016

Good job for waking up this morning

School might be the death of me. I've thought of dropping out at least 647 times. College + anxiety don't really work out too hot if ya know what I'm saying.

It's been a hard week. My anxiety is unpredictable. Sometimes I'm able to function normally and go throughout my day with only minor damage control, while other days it seems impossible to do even the simplest of tasks. 

A couple days ago I had to write a paragraph analyzing a painting. It was one of those special days filled with anxiety and sadness, and I literally had a mental break down because writing that paragraph felt impossible. After a long while, I was able to make my mind chill and I just told myself I didn't have to write it. I stopped worrying about it for a while, and later that night I WAS ACTUALLY ABLE TO WRITE IT! #IROCK

If I was comparing myself to the 30,000 other BYU students who could probably write a paragraph about art in their sleep, I would feel pretty bad about myself and my capabilities right now. But I've realized that that isn't important. What is important is that I am progressing and that I am doing the best I can.

No matter who you are or what you're doing, stop being so hard on yourself. Give yourself credit for even the little things, even if it's just writing a paragraph, because you deserve it. We are all doing our best, and we deserve to feel good about ourselves for continuing to try. 

"So keep loving. Keep trying. Keep trusting. Keep believing. Keep growing. Heaven is cheering you on today, tomorrow, and forever."
-Elder Holland

September 06, 2016

You're a cool person all the time

Just like most people in the world, I struggle with having a good self image.

God created us; our bodies are a gift. He doesn't want us to be miserable and hateful towards ourselves. So for the pep talk of the day...

Comparing yourself
Comparing your life situations
Saying rude things to yourself

Being kind to yourself
Making the best of the life you've been given
Being confident in the things you do and say

Satan tells me all of the time that I'm not good enough and that I can't do it.
But every time I turn to the Lord and pray for strength, he brings me peace and reminds me that I'm HIS child and I have a purpose. We all do.

Today let's LOVE OURSELVES and remember that WE CAN DO HARD THINGS.