I Sing

Singing is my PASSION. Literally one of my favorite things in the whole world. Soooo here are some videos of me doing what I love:)

Homeward Bound:
Just want to throw it out there that f I could go back, I probably wouldn't put a random picture of me standing in my backyard at the start of this vid hah! But I got to record this in our family friend's recording studio so that rocked.

You Have to Say Goodbye:
This is the first song I ever wrote and my dad recorded this roughly... 37 years ago. The lyrics were written by a 9th grader so keep that in mind;)

I am Here:
I wrote this for a project in my Foundations of the Restoration class at BYU last year. During the verses it is from the perspective of Joseph Smith. It was when he was trying to figure out which church to join. During the Chorus is it is from the perspective of God:
"I am am here, don't be afraid
I won't ever let you fall, you will find your way
I am here now, just take my hand
Don't forget me, don't give up
Just try the best that you can"
This applies to us all; god won't ever leave us alone.

Joseph's Prayer:
I also wrote this for my class! Same idea that God is always there for us, especially when we're going through really hard trials.